
As project teams grow larger and models scale in size and complexity, it becomes more and more difficult to stay abreast of the latest changes. Processes, baselining, and other techniques help manage and control the design evolution. Basic alerts and notifications in Project Explorer complement those processes helping to highlight the information that is most critical to you.


Borrowing a page from social media, GENESYS allows you to follow the objects of greatest interest. You can follow a specific entity (perhaps a change request package working its way through the review process), a package (maybe your subsystem), or a folder (such as all interfaces). Once you set up an alert on an object using the Set Alert command on the ribbon, GENESYS proactively notifies you of all changes made by other system users. This includes attribute changes, new relationships, moving an element to a new folder, even changing permissions. If it changes, you will know it.




The Notifications page does not track your changes to objects in which you have registered an interest. It only reflects those changes made to these objects by other users.


The Following tab on the Notifications page in Project Explorer is where you will go to see what alerts you have set. You can delete the alert or all alerts if you no longer wish to be notified of changes.


Alert Commands


The Notifications tab of the Notifications page in Project Explorer is where you will go to see what changes have occurred, who made them, and when. You can open views directly from this page, assess the impact, and clear the alert when you have finished your review. As you collaborate with your team, the Notifications page becomes exceptionally valuable as it helps you highlight the information most crucial to you.


Notification Commands