Entity Completeness Checks (for v70 schemas and prior)
GENESYS implements the following completeness checks to verify that key attributes and relationships are specified in the model. This is for schemas v70 and prior.
All Classes
- Level 1: The description attribute has not been specified.
- Level 1: This entity has no relationships to any other entity in the project.
- Level 1: The purpose attribute has not been specified.
- Level 1: The scope attribute has not been specified.
- Level 1: The time frame attribute is set to nil.
- Level 2: No 'achieves' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: No 'composed of' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: No 'basis of' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: The threshold attribute has not been specified.
- Level 2: No 'impacts' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: The action attribute is set to nil.
- Level 3: The change request number attribute has not been specified.
- Level 1: The level attribute is set to nil.
- Level 3: The releasability attribute has not been specified.
- Level 2: The type is marked as system, but no purpose has been specified.
- Level 3: The entity is at the leaf level, but no 'connected to' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: The entity is at the leaf level, but no 'joined to' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: The entity is at the leaf level, but no 'performs' relationship has been established.
- Level 1: The originator attribute has not been specified.
- Level 2: The status is open, and no due date has been specified.
- Level 2: No 'generated by' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: The status is not marked as rejected, and no 'impacts' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: The status is not marked as rejected, and no alternatives have been specified.
- Level 2: The status is not marked as rejected, and no assumptions have been specified.
- Level 3: The status is marked as closed, but no date closed has been specified.
- Level 3: The status is marked as closed, but no decision has been specified.
- Level 3: The status is marked as closed, but no 'results in' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: The status is not marked as 'open', and no 'rationale' has been specified.
- Level 1: The abbreviation attribute has not been specified.
- Level 1: The expression attribute has not been specified.
- Level 1: The independentVariables attribute has not been specified.
- Level 1: The dependentVariables attribute has not been specified.
- Level 1: No 'constrains'relationship has been established.
- Level 1: Both the description and acronym attributes are empty. At least one must have a value specified.
- Level 2: No 'used in' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: The type attribute is set to nil.
- Level 3: The document date attribute has not been specified.
- Level 3: The document number attribute has not been specified.
- Level 2: No 'triggers' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: No 'exit for' relationship has been established.
- Level 1: No 'augments' relationship has been established.
- Level 1: The external file path attribute has not been specified.
- Level 3: The entity is at the leaf level and is allocated with behavior type Thread, but no 'reflected in' relationship has been established to map the thread function to the integrated logic.
- Level 3: The entity is at the leaf level, but no 'allocated to' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: No 'comprised of' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: The 'joins' relation does not have two targets leaving one end of the entity unconnected.
- Level 3: The entity is at the leaf level, but no 'input to' or 'triggers' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: The entity is at the leaf level, but no 'output from' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: The entity is at the leaf level, but no 'transferred by' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: No 'comprises' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: The 'connects to' relation does not have two targets leaving one end of the entity unconnected.
- Level 3: The entity is at the leaf level, but no 'transfers' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: No 'achieved by' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: No 'assigned to' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: No 'contained by' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: No 'encompasses' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: No 'comprises' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: The 'connects to' relation does not have two targets leaving one end of the entity unconnected.
- Level 3: The entity is at the leaf level, but no 'transfers' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: The entity is at the leaf level, but no 'allocated to' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: The entity is at the leaf level, but no 'input to' or 'triggers' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: The entity is at the leaf level, but no 'output from' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: The entity is at the leaf level, but no 'transferred by' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: No 'achieves' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: The type is marked as system, but no purpose has been specified.
- Level 3: The entity is at the leaf level, but no 'connected to' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: The entity is at the leaf level, but no 'performs' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: The entity is at the leaf level, but no 'input to' or 'triggers' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: The entity is at the leaf level, but no 'output from' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: The entity is at the leaf level, but no 'accomplishes' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: The entity is at the leaf level, but no 'assigned to' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: The end date attribute has not been specified.
- Level 2: The start date attribute has not been specified.
- Level 2: The type attribute is set to nil.
- Level 3: No 'assigned to' relationship has been established.
- Level 1: The 'keyPerformanceParameter' setting is true, but the 'performanceParameterType' attribute is nil.
- Level 2: The origin attribute is set to nil.
- Level 2: The type attribute is set to nil.
- Level 3: The entity is at the leaf level and is not of type performance or functional, but no 'verified by' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: The entity is at the leaf level, but no 'specifies' or 'basis of' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: No 'captured by' or 'consumed by' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: The initial amount attribute has not been specified.
- Level 2: No 'caused by' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: No 'impacts' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: The consequence attribute is set to nil.
- Level 2: The likelihood attribute is set to nil.
- Level 3: No 'results in' or 'resolved by' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: No 'encompassed by' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: No 'entered by' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: No 'exited by' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: The completion criterion attribute has not been specified.
- Level 2: The end date attribute has not been specified.
- Level 2: The start date attribute has not been specified.
- Level 2: The type attribute is set to nil.
- Level 3: The entity is at the leaf level, but no 'executes' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: No 'employed by' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: No 'formed by' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: The entity is at the leaf level, but no 'input to' or 'triggers' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: The entity is at the leaf level, but no 'output from' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: No 'employed by' relationship has been established.
- Level 1: No 'augments' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: No 'enters' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: No 'exits' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: No 'triggered by' relationship has been established.
- Level 1: No 'ends at' relationship has been established.
- Level 1: No 'starts at' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: No 'involves' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: The entity has children, but no 'describes' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: The primary flow attribute has not been specified.
- Level 3: The postconditions attribute has not been specified.
- Level 3: The preconditions attribute has not been specified.
- Level 2: The end date attribute has not been specified.
- Level 2: The start date attribute has not been specified.
- Level 3: No 'assigned to' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: No 'fulfills' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: No 'verifies' relationship has been established.
- Level 2: The status attribute is set to nil.
- Level 3: No 'fulfilled by' relationship has been established.
- Level 3: The status is neither 'nil' nor 'Not Yet Planned', but the 'level' attribute is set to nil.
- Level 3: The status is neither 'nil' nor 'Not Yet Planned', but the 'method' attribute is set to nil.