When working within text attributes, you have the ability to embed a reference to any parameter defined on the entity using the Insert Parameter command. The Insert Parameter command, accessed on the right-click context menu, displays a list of parameters that have already been defined for the given entity (as shown on the Parameters tab of the entity property sheet) as well as those parameters defined for the class but not yet instantiated for the given entity (these are shown under the Available Parameters submenu, if any parameters have been defined). Furthermore, you can determine which parameter value is embedded - Objective, Threshold, Design, or Observed. Units will be appended if available.
When selected, a corresponding field will be embedded within the text to reference the parameter. If the desired parameter has not yet been defined, you can use the New Parameter command to define a new parameter without switching to the Parameters tab on the property sheet.
When working within GENESYS, the current parameter is shown in square brackets [[workStationPwr.Objective]] to visually highlight the value. In outputs whether working documents, formal specifications, or web publication the parameter field is replaced with the current value in a seamless manner.
Parameters are completely permission-controlled so those without read permission for a parameter will see the parameter indicator but not the value itself.
Why would I want to use parameters? Traditionally, engineers have had to choose between the power of explicitly identifying a value for tracking and analysis or the ease of embedding a critical design value within design descriptions. Parameters enable the best of both worlds the power, explicitness, and management of models with the ease and simplicity of text. |