Set Attribute

The Set Attribute command, accessed on the right-click context menu for entities and diagrams, allows you to change an attribute value for one or more entities simultaneously. It can be applied to a homogenous set of entities in a single class or a heterogeneous set of entities in a package or on a diagram.


Select the entities in question (via shift or control clicking as appropriate) and click the Set Attribute command. The resulting dialog uses the first entity selected to present the list of possible attributes to set. Select the desired attribute from the drop-down list and the value pane will change to best represent the attribute type and to show the current value. Edit the value as desired. When you click OK, that value will be set for all selected entities.






The Set Attribute command is included on the menus for entity lists and diagrams. The primary intent is to select multiple entities and set an attribute to a common value (for example, setting the requirement type to constraint). Often, even when addressing a single entity, it may be quicker to use this command to change an attribute value than to open the property.