
The Export command, accessed under the File menu, allows you to generate a GNSX representation of your repository, your project, or a subset thereof. The export command allows you to create baselines, backups, interchange files, version upgrades, and much more.


Given the richness and power of GENESYS, the Export command includes a host of options allowing you to select the desired data.



To help streamline and simplify your project operations, standard options have been bundled together to best support certain export cases. However, you have ultimate control.


The Export drop-down presents the list of export scenarios supported. These scenarios represent a specific combination of options packaged to best support standard export cases. As an export is selected from the drop-down, the Options pane will shift to show the applicable settings for the export scenario. If the check boxes in the options pane are shaded, the options are informational only, informing you of what options are included in the scenario. If the check boxes in the pane are white, you may change the options presented.



The comment field allows the user to enter a descriptive comment to be placed at the top of the export file to help describe the file. By default, the comment string displays when the export occurred and who performed the export.


Once the export has been submitted, the Job Monitor will open to show you the status of the export process. You may close the job monitor and access it from the Home ribbon if desired.