General Diagram User Preferences

Certain settings and behaviors are common across the various classes of diagrams. The general diagram preferences allow you to control these settings.



Unlike the options for a specific class of diagram, these options cannot be adjusted for an individual diagram. In other words, though you can choose whether or not to display a grid on a specific diagram, you cannot customize the grid spacing to differ from what is specified in your user preferences. This helps ensure consistency (and avoid unnecessary complexity) across your diagrams.


General Options

Prompt for Element Names on Insertion - when dragging and dropping a "New ABC" construct from the diagram palette onto a diagram, this option controls whether or not you are prompted to enter an element name. If unchecked, CORE will auto-generate a name, enabling you to quickly build your diagram structure so that you can later return to complete details. If checked, you will be prompted with the standard naming prompt when you drop the construct.



Tips and Tricks

Sometimes, you want the best of both worlds – quick element creation for some drag-drop actions with the opportunity to fill out names for others. Holding down the control key when dropping a "New ABC" construct onto a diagram will prompt you for the element name regardless of the user preference setting.


Grid Spacing - controls the number of pixels between the dashed grid lines shown on diagrams. The diagram grid lines can be toggled on and off on a per-diagram basis. This setting allows you to define your preferred spacing to assist with positioning nodes and aligning diagram content.